Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pet Peeves

 Off the top of my head, here are few Pet Peeves...
  1. When the word unique gets qualified. Unique means one of a kind. There is no such thing as very unique. 
  2. People who wave you on in traffic when they have the right of way. Traffic works better when everyone follows the natural rules. I don't mind waiting for my turn.
  3. Passive-Aggressiveness
  4. Cell phones at the dinner table (unless you are food spotting)
  5. Come to think of it, cell phone that go off in movies, performances, meetings etc...Put it on rumble people!
  6. When opinion sneaks into news coverage (liberal or conservative)
  7. Gridlock (of all kinds)
  8. When technology decides to take the day off and I really need it to work
  9. Forgetting just one ingredient, but an important one, for dinner.
  10. Coffee grinds in my coffee (but I gave up coffee, so this doesn't bother me so much any more). 

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