Sunday, January 5, 2014

Camelot and the Beatles

 If I could live in any historical era, I would live in the US in the 1960's.

Technically, I was alive in the 60's, but I wasn't old enough to have an awareness of what was going on around me. And, I only spent my infant and toddler years in the 60's. I started preschool in 1971. 

I have always felt like I missed the boat by being born in the latter part of the 60's and I would have liked to at least have been a teenager during that time. 

Why? Why would anyone want to live through the tumultuous Civil Rights, Vietnam protests and the assassination of JFK? That decade shaped so much of what the world has become. While there were unsettling events, there were also some of the most amazing things happening. What I wouldn't give to have seen the Beatles perform together, live, anywhere, or to have been present at any one of Martin Luther King speeches. I wish I had been around to vote for Kennedy. 

I probably would have been protesting the war, but I certainly would not have been at Woodstock. I may have tried to get myself to the Newport Folk Festival at least once. I may have gone to the Supreme Court the first Monday in October in 1967 to see Thurgood Marshall take the bench for the first time.

I would have been so much more aware of the the Moon Landing. I just can't remember it since I had just had my 2nd birthday when Neil Armstrong left the Eagle and walked on the Sea of Tranquility. 

I have always wanted to experience the 60's first-hand, not as a documentary on PBS. While I know it is not to far out of my wheelhouse, I think it is the most interesting time in in our history. 



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