Thursday, January 2, 2014

One Resolution for 2014

My one small professional resolution for 2014 is to get my blog up and going in a regular fashion, at least once a week, if not more. That is why I joined the challenge. I have to remember that I don't have to blog a huge article every time I post, and the prompts at #kinderchat are reminding me of that. I already have a bunch of great ideas bubbling in my head for when I get to blogging outside of the challenge. I am keeping a "notes" page on my phone for when ideas for subjects pop into my head. 

My bigger professional resolution is to never miss an opportunity to talk about inclusion for children with disabilities. In Vermont, we have a lot of excellent inclusive practices, and children are included with their non-disabled peers in the regular classrooms at a high percentage, but there are still places that have separate classrooms for children with "intensive needs," and there are still children being taught a pretty separate curriculum in the back of the room or in a resource room with a para educator. 

Ultimately, I would like "special education" to disappear because all teachers would learn to teach all children who come through their classroom doors.

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